
Jun 7 2017

Generate Self Sign SSL Certificate

The following is a simplified way to generate to self-signed certificate use for development and testing. Assumption is made that openssl toolkit is installed in the system. Openssl toolkit has many options and the following steps use some of those features.

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Nov 28 2016

Common Linux Command On Files

Some command used in linux.

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Nov 25 2016

Apache mod_rewrite

Redirection with the apacahe rewrite rule.

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Aug 1 2016

Increase the size of linux lvm by adding new disk

The Linux Logical Volume Manager(lvm) can be increase when adding a new disk. This is usually usefull when working in virtual machine to add new disk space.

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Apr 2 2014

WGET some options

Downloading contents with powerfull options of wget.

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Oct 28 2019

JVM and GC

A brief discussion about JVM and garbage collection.

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Dec 2 2016

Spring Redis Sentinel Connection

Redis Sentinel connection configuration in Spring

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May 20 2016

Documenting ReST webservices with Swagger

Webservice documentaion is a good way to show the api that are exposed. Using swagger annotation and let swagger generate the documentation is pretty neat.

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May 13 2016

POJO to Map Conversion

Library to convert POJO to Map and vice-versa.

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May 22 2015

Multi Container War

To package a web application to be deployable in multiple container, deployment descriptor is needed for each of the specific container. The deployment descriptor web.xml is the standard descriptor for the servlet container.

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May 20 2015

Spring ReST Exception handling

Handling excpetion in Spring web application and returing them to the client meaningfully is important part of the application design.

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May 20 2015

Logback Configuration

Logback configuration in web application.

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May 1 2014

JDBC Connection Strings

Connection String syntax for the JDBC drivers.

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Apr 27 2014

Spring ReST Webservice with MySQL

The following tutorial is for creating simple Spring ReST webservice with MySQL. We are going to use Spring framwork to create this simple rest webservice that get data from the database.

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Apr 27 2014

JAXB Tutorial

JAXB stands for Java Architecture for XML Binding. JAXB is used in converting XML to Java Object and vice verse.

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Apr 3 2014

Installing JDK at Linux.

JDK installation at the linux OS properly.

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May 15 2014

Python with Configuration File.

Describe about the configuration file and how it is parse and used in python. Other tricks are also shown how to parse configuration file without section.

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May 14 2014

Python Errors and Exceptions

Python error and exceptions are discuss and how they are handle. Handling error and exceptions can be done in various ways.

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Apr 3 2014

Installing Python in Linux or Solaris.

In this post, discussion are made on how to install python and its environment.

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Jan 13 2018

Jekyll with dockers

Running Jekyll with minimal setup with Dockers.

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Dec 1 2016

Common OpenSSL commands

SSL tools openssl - some of the general usage commands.

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Nov 29 2016

Generate Self Sign SSL certificate

Generate Self Sign SSL

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Nov 12 2016

Publishing to Maven Central

Publishing open source to maven Central procedure.

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Oct 19 2016

Booting Vagrant

Ease the development setup and saving with Vagrant.

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Oct 12 2016

Run Jekyll local

Blog with static site with Jekyll.

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May 10 2014

Flashing Custom ROMs Android

Ever bored of using the same feature and user interface of your phone. Is your phone performing slow and battery is draining? If you own an android device you can taste different flavor of the those by flashing the ROM.

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May 4 2014

Android Custom Recovery

In Android, recovery is a software that is distinct and separate from the ROM installed operation system. It has its own partition and is booted when certain keys are press togerther. Installed operation system is one you interact with the device to make call, install apps, take pic etc. Recovery on the other hand is used in the system update, diagnostic and perform factory reset of the android system. They comes handy when installing new ROM, updating ROM and even fixing when the installed ROM fails to boot the device.

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May 3 2014

Manage your Passwords Securely

Ways to manage password securely.

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Apr 16 2014

Restful Webservice with NodeJs in 5 Min

NodeJs webservice creation basic.

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Apr 5 2014

Anyone can Root Android device

Rooting means taking control of your device. When the manufacturer sell you the device, the operation of device is run in an environment and limit define by the manufacturer. The full potential of device is not explore. When you root the device, you are the super user, you now actually own a property that you can do whatever limit you want the hardware can take.

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