Publishing to Maven Central
This is a brief procedure to publish artifacts to the maven Central.
- Initial Setup at Sonatype Jira
- Working with PGP Signatures
- Requirement at the Project Object Model file
- Deployment
Initial Setup at Sonatype Jira
- Create an Jira account
- Create a New Project ticket for Community Support - Open Source Project Repository Hosting
The important and mandatory during jira ticket creation are:
- Group Id
- Project URL
- SCM url
Working with PGP Signatures
Installing GnuPG
If gpg
is not installed, get it from here
Generating a Key Pair
Generate the keys, provide the information as prompted.
$ gpg --gen-key
Listing Keys
$ gpg --list-keys
pub 2048R/9D9D7541 2016-11-10
uid Lokhendro Ning <>
sub 2048R/3EFB9D5A 2016-11-10
The key-id is the 9D9D7541
Distributing Your Public Key
Send the public key to public key server
$ gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys 9D9D7541
To import your public key from the key server to their local machines:
$ gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 9D9D7541
Bonus: Add Key in github.
If you have github account, you can add this gpg key for syncing with the github.
Requirement at the Project Object Model file
The folloing are the mandatory Requirement to define in the POM file.
Correct Coordinates
Should be valid and unique GAV(Group-Artifact-Version) definition.
Project Name, Description and URL
<description>My Awesome Project.</description>
License Information
Define the type of License.
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
Developer Information
<name>Ningthoujam Lokhendro</name>
<role>Lead Developer</role>
SCM Information
Distribution Management.
Authentication at ossrh
Define the authentication for the ossrh at the maven settting.xml as
And define the GPG credential as well:
Supply Javadoc and Sources
Sign Files with GPG/PGP
For more example on the POM structure.
To deploy the artifact at the maven central.
$ mvn clean deploy
If all is fine should be available under :
Set the proper version without snapshots and activate the release profile.
$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.3
$ mvn clean deploy -P release
If all is fine should be available under :
For more information on the apache maven.